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Kodesh Ability Tests is a Non Profit Making Company Limited By Guarantee. Registered in England. Number 11426140   Registered Office: 13 Canterbury Drive, Prestwich, Manchester, M25 0HY Great Britain
Levels standardized  from the following schools and mosdos:   USA & INTERNATIONAL The Toronto Cheder Bais Yaakov Middle School MD Ohr Temimim School NY Shaarei Torah Primary School SOUTH AFRICA Emek Hebrew Academy CA Tashbar Sephardic Yeshiva Ketana CA Yeshiva Ohr Reuven NY Keser Torah AUSTRALIA Toras Chaim VA Yeshiva Elementary School FL Eitz Chaim Schools CANADA Mesivta Yesodei Hatorah of Naugatuck CT Gibraltar Boys High School Akiva Academy Canada Yeshiva Ketana of Waterbury Hacham Baruch Ben- Haim Boys Elementary School NY LONDON Beis Chinuch Lebonos Girls School (Yiddish) Beis Yaakov Grammar Bobov Senior Girls School (Yiddish) Elyon London Hasmonean High Hasmonean Primary Menorah Grammar Menorah High for Girls Noam Primary Pardes House Grammar Pardes House Primary Talmud Torah Tiferes Shlomo Tashbar Primary of Edgware Tiferes Girls Torah Temimah Primary School Torah Vodass Primary  Vishnitz Girls School (Yiddish) Yesodey Hatorah Senior Boys Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls MANCHESTER Ahavas Torah Beis Chinuch Secondary Beis Chinuch Primary Beis Hatalmud Bnos High Bnos Primary Broughton Jewish Primary Eitz Chaim Jewish High Manchester Mesivta Mechinoh OYY Lubavitch Boys Tashbar Primary Manchester Tiferes High Tiferes Primary Toras Emes (Yiddish) Yavne (King David) Yesoidey Hatorah (Jewish Day) GATESHEAD Ateres High School for Girls Gateshead Cheder Gateshead Mechina Keser Torah Primary Keser Girls School
Haskomo from my Rosh Yeshiva,  Horav Hagaon R’ Avrohom Gurwicz Shlita (Gateshead Rosh Yeshiva)
The Game Changer in Chinuch! Dozens of schools representing many thousands of children
Sample questions are displayed towards the end of this page. The Kodesh Ability Tests (KATS) tracking and target program administered to Talmidim  once or ideally twice per year uses levels from over 15,000 tests. It is benefitting many  thousands of children across the globe including the UK, USA, Canada, South Africa and Australia. Developed in the UK, virtually all the major UK boys and girls schools (that say  shiur in English) participate and is now making solid headway into the USA and beyond.   It has a Haskomo from the Gateshead Rosh Yeshiva Horav Avrohom Gurwicz and Torah  Umesorah in the USA. They are suitable from age 8 for Chumash and age 9 for Gemoro  until independence in Chumash (& Rashi) and Gemoro (Rashi & Tosfos). From way back in time, schools have yearned to independently verify if talmidim are  making real progess, and bring accountability into the system. For all too long this has  eluded the Chinuch World. KATS was developed by a Gemoro, Mishna and Chumash Rebbe that grapples daily  with this issue. He combined his Kodesh and (Le’Havdil) knowledge of psychometric  testing to create the first ever standardized Gemoro (Rashi & Tosfos) and Chumash (&  Rashi) assessments so no Talmid/a should ever again fall under the radar. The 17 minute video below, will impact your school far beyond your expectations as it is  doing to dozens of schools, so please take the time to watch it, to see how KATS can  benefit your Talmidim / Talmidos. Please email: kodeshabilitytests@gmail.com for further information. Or call  (schools and mosdos only) +44 7941 090 052 (7-10pm UK time, 2-5pm ET).  About  Rabbi Dovid Benarroch learnt in Gateshead and Mir Yeshiva, and in Kollel in Eretz Yisroel, Gibraltar and Manchester, where he received Semicha, and is part of a small group of Sofrim to attain certification by the Beis Din of the Eida Charedis. He is a Rebbe at Manchester Mesivta and runs the school’s SEN Department.  He has a MA in SEN, and is certified in the use of psychometric testing (IQ, Working Memory etc.). It has been his passion that no Yiddishe Neshomo should fall through the net and suffer the dire consequences, so he devoted many years to develop KATS. Please Watch the Video 
REMEMBER: Chazoro (revision) of whatever piece of Chumash or Gemoro will significantly increase the KATS score - its that simple!
Yiddish version is now available.
 “I saw Rabbi Benarroch’s ad for KATS and I was intrigued. Standardized  tests in Limmudei Kodesh?... We have a real indication of what each  talmid has mastered and we are definitely going to do this on a bi-yearly  basis. I highly recommend KATS for  every elementary school!”  Rabbi Dovid Engel, Menahel of Toronto Cheder
Sample Questions Below are sample (multiple choice) questions around the mid-level of difficulty. Talmidim color the circle with the correct answer. There is a total of 50 questions. Starts from beginner words such as ץראה in Chumash / יכה יא in Gemoro. Questions increase with level of difficulty (standardized over thousands of children). All the way up to more complex words expected from those that are fully fluent in Chumash / Gemoro (this level goes beyond typical word lists). Each test paper is different, but is moderated to the same level. Due to test security we do not email entire tests. We collect the tests for computerized marking and the generating of Parents and School Reports.
Yiddish Gemoro (also available for Chumash
Sample Parent Report
Sample School Report
Please email: kodeshabilitytests@gmail.com for further information. Or call (schools and mosdos only)  +44 7941 090 052 (7-10pm UK time, 2-5pm ET).